Tools we build to help you work fast and easy
Riangle TeamImportant part of the job here at Riangle is to make the life easier, not just for the team, but anybody working in design and development. This is why we create tools like Cherry, a design system to ease your workload in design and code, WordPressify, a great help for WordPress users and many more. They are all open source and free to use.

WordPressify is a simple tool that helps you build WordPress themes and plugins. It takes care of the development experience by providing a web server with a database out of the box, zero-configuration
GoPablo is a static site generator with a modern development workflow, integrated web server, auto-reload, CSS preprocessors, and ES6 ready. Generates optimized distribution files ready to be deployed.
Nextify is a simple boilerplate for React apps with Next.js and Emotion. Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production. Emotion is a high performance, lightweight css-in-js library.
FuzzyMail is a simple tool for generating beautiful email templates. Supporting old email clients while maintaining responsiveness. FuzzyMail is supported on over 60+ email clients.